Monday, September 23, 2024

Farewell, Window on Air Canada Park

"Window on Air Canada Park", known informally as Window Park, Air Canada Park, or Pink Park, is no more! It is being demolished to make way for a new park that will open in 2025 which is the park's 40th anniversary.

It is too bad someone didn't ensure that the historic building fragments located at the park weren't demolished along with it.

If you follow my blogs, you'll know I am a realist. Not every building or building fragment can be preserved.

When the new plan was released for the park back in 2023, it was clear that the fragments would not be part of the new space. This gave the city time to inform heritage groups that they would be available, consider using them in another project, or even raffling them off while in situ with the funds maybe going to local heritage initiatives.

I doubt any of that was done before the decision to demolish and their destruction is symbolic of how this city sometimes treats its built heritage.

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